V.6 No 4, pp 13 - 19


The features of inclined force acting

From this brief consideration we can see that inclined vibrations far from always arise due to nonlinear processes in an elastic system, as it was supposed before. Inclined waves can arise quite naturally under affection of a force inclined to the wave propagation direction. And this conclusion can be quite simply extended to a most wide spectrum of the vibration processes.

3. Trajectory of line elements motion

Drawing our attention to the trajectory of elements motion, we see, this trajectory has a form of an ellipse circumscribed around the point of rest of the element. And the wave inclination is formed due to the shift phase of the element-to-element motion along these elliptic trajectories. This vibration structure is well-known in physics, particularly in wave processes in unbounded volumes of liquid. “In a wave, the motion of liquid is non-stationary. So the trajectories of separate particles are far from being time-coinciding with the lines of current. They have absolutely other shape. With the small amplitudes they are circumferences in a great approximation. We find these circular trajectories both on a surface and in depth of liquid. Only in the most upper layers the diameters of circular ways are largest” [4, p. 300- 301].

Indeed, the spatial vibration processes have their peculiarities. None the less, it is typical that the basic regularities can be run down already in a 1D model. It also follows from the yielded solutions that the elements vibration ellipsoidal pattern retains as in the critical as in aperiodical regimes. Due to it, in this last case there in the line forms a complex wave fast-damping along the line, and this is one more feature that the exact analytical solutions demonstrate.

4. The new class of functions being the solution of the wave equation

We can extend the above generalisation also to the solution of the wave equation on the whole.

It is known that the hyperbolic-type differential equation

has general solution [5, p. 300]

where c = omegacut.gif (838 bytes)/k is the wave propagation speed - i.e., the solution has the form of two explicit functions with respect to (x - ct) and (x + ct) relatively. Conventionally, this solution is thought the only and complete, due to the theorem of uniqueness of solution of differential equation. None the less, there exists one more class of functions being the solution of (12) but not taken into account by the solution (13). We can present the general form of this class of functions as


here fetacut.gif (846 bytes)1(y) and fetacut.gif (846 bytes)2(y) are some double-differentiable functions. In other words, (14) belongs to the class of implicit functions whose regularities of behaviour and technique of differentiation and integration considerably differ from such for explicit functions. It is important that, while for explicit functions definite systematisation of differential equations has been created and for definite class of these equations the regularities and schemes to yield solutions have been found, for implicit functions all these developments are absent. Naturally, for today the correspondence of (14) to (12) can be checked only in a simplest way – substituting (14) into (12) directly.

For it, basing on the known laws of implicit functions differentiation, find first and second particular derivatives of (14) with respect to x and t. To simplify the calculation, consider a half of the right part of (14)



The first derivatives have the form


The second derivatives after transformation and substitution of expressions (16) take the form


Substituting (17) into (12), yield the required. Similarly we can prove the second part of expression (14) to be corresponding to the equation (12).

Contents: / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18-19 /

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