S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

Let us try to increase some more the distance between the charges of dipole, until there appears the interference pattern. The typical appearance of such radiation we can see in Fig. 11.


agfig11.gif (438079 bytes)


Fig. 11. Diagram of dynamic dipole radiation at the dipole length equal to two radiation wavelengths


In this diagram we clearly see the typical interference pattern. At this, in the region between the interference maximums there occurs just the same phase shift by 180? as in case of a half-wave dipole. In each transition region, the gradient of potential is perpendicular to the wave propagation , and the potential is zero. At the same time we see that not standing but progressive waves form the interference pattern in full accordance with the results yielded in the formalism of wave physics.

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