Foundations of the new original non-conformal mapping theory |
Transformation of the vector algebra basic equations in dynamical fields |
Exact analytic solutions for a complex of problems on vibrant elastic 1D lumped lines |
Application of the above new calculation method to some acoustic problems |
Application of the new calculation method to some mechanical models |
Application of the new calculation method to some geophysical problems |
New original Dynamical Electromechanical Analogy (DEMA) |
Application of the new calculation method and DEMA to the complex electrical transmission lines, networks and ladder filters calculation |
Theoretical substantiation and experimental producing/reception of transverse acoustic waves in an unbounded gas medium |
Theoretical substantiation and experimental producing/reception of longitudinal EM waves in an unbounded space |
Investigation of the EM ether theory contradictions |
Investigation of the EM induction nature and law |
Original model of the protoplanet and planet evolution |
The PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE possesses an important place in our work as its basis, as the principal grounds to analyse the reasons and interconnections of phenomena, processes and regularities.