S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina


  1. Pain, H.J. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, introduction to chapter 5. Moscow, Mir, 1979, 389 pp. (Russian; from edition by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. London – New York – Sydney – Toronto, 1976).

  2. Born, M. Einstein’s theory of relativity, chapter IV, paragraph 6. Moscow, Mir, 1972, 366 pp. (Russian; from edition by Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1962).

  3. Letter by Prof. P.E. Doak, Chief Editor of Journal of Sound and Vibration, to S.B. Karavashkin

  4. Kugushev, A.M. and Golubeva, N.S. Foundations of radioelectronics (Linear electromagnetic processes), chapter 2, paragraph 2-3. Moscow, Energia, 1969, 880 pp. (Russian).

  5. Pohl, R.V. Theory of electricity, part 1, chapter XII, paragraphs 95-96. Moscow, The State Publishing of Physical and Mathematical literature, 1962, 516 pp. (Russian).

  6. Physical encyclopaedia, vol.1, Acoustic radiator. Moscow, Sovetskaya Encyclopedia, 1960 (Russian).

  7. Carman, T. Collected works, vol. 1-4, London, 1956

  8. Doak, P.E. Noise and acoustic fatigue in aeronautics, An introduction to sound radiation and its sources. 1968, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Gorelik, G.S. Vibrations and waves, chapter VIII. Moscow, 1950

  10. Crendall, I.B. Acoustics, chapters III and IV. Leningrad, 1934, (Russian, from some English-language edition)

  11. Kalitievsky, N.I. The wave optics, chapter 1, paragraph 1.2. Moscow, Nauka, 1971, 376 pp. (Russian).

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