V.3 No 1


On the nature of red shift of Metagalaxy

As the result of conducted investigation, we see that the light from stars, passing through the interstellar matter, changes its frequency in the interaction with this matter. Given the averaged transformation of frequency in the light passing the distances of astronomic scale, the connection between the velocity of frequency change with the distance can be recorded as


In this expression, betacut.gif (852 bytes) is some averaged coefficient which determines the degree of frequency change with the distance. Naturally, the average of this coefficient will essentially depend on the scale of average and extent of inhomogeneity of space in different directions for the observer located on the Earth. In some regions of Metagalaxy, there has to be observed the intensive extinction of luminescence by the high temperature of nebulas and clouds, as well as by the growing gas density, and in some regions the additional influence of dust component will reveal. So in the near regions of Metagalaxy the anisotropy betacut.gif (852 bytes) will be large, but without a definite angular regularity. With the growing distance from the studied stellar systems, betacut.gif (852 bytes) will stabilise at some averaged level, irrespectively of the observation direction. The only reason of betacut.gif (852 bytes) change will be in this region the Doppler effect caused by the peculiar velocities of the observed stellar systems. This can introduce to a definite extent the distortions into the estimation of distance to the observed objects.


8. The red shift explanation on the basis of spontaneous luminescence of super-rarefied interstellar gas

In the previous section we obtained the differential equation (78) describing the light frequency change with respect to distance in passing through the rarefied low-temperature interstellar medium. Integrating it under condition that  nucut.gif (828 bytes) = nucut.gif (828 bytes)0  at r = 0  , we yield


Noting that in accordance with the section 5 the light velocity in propagating in the interstellar space varies insufficiently, we can use the standard relation between the wavelength lumbdacut.gif (841 bytes)   and its frequency nucut.gif (828 bytes) , writing so:


As betacut.gif (852 bytes)  is small, we can expand the right-hand part of (80) into the power series in powers of  betacut.gif (852 bytes)r . We yield with it



Substituting instead betacut.gif (852 bytes)   its value



we yield in linear case the Hubble law (1), and taking into account the quadratic term - the known relationship (31) at  q0 = 0. The difference between (81) and (31), appeared because  q0   varies from 1 to 3, is insufficient and lower than the limits of accuracy of H0   and  r  determination.

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