99 - 103

Dyna P. Borycenko-Karavashkina


Account of this process will, hopefully, be able to lift the difficulties in describing the vapour condensation near the critical point because of which a complete molecular-statistic theory of vapour condensation is still absent. We cannot exclude that vapour granulation can appear helpful in understanding the condition of vapour-liquid-solid transition at the triple point.

How can we imagine the vapour granulation? At the dew-point such intermolecular bonds become possible and enable molecules joining into water spherical surfaces. And the inner molecules, protected from the outward conditions by the surface film and having gained the energy emitted by the surface molecules, remain the vapour phase. The volume of granules is, possibly, determined by the least quantity of molecules that can form the spherical surface, like a definite number of pentagons can form the cover of football.

Such structure of cloud components (granules) promotes their flying ability. At least, now we can surely state the balance in granule weight and air buoyancy. And granules are unable to dissipate the light and to create the rainbow. Even more, just the presence of vapour phase within the granules will explain, why they do not freeze at quite low temperatures.

Now let us try to explain condensation. It takes place when the conditions of dew-point are violated because of granulation. The rest non-granulated vapour has to condense on the surface films of granules.


The vapour condensation affects the granule in two aspects. In one, passing a part of its energy to the granule, the condensed vapour heats it. Due to this, the molecules can evaporate into the granule, the volume of granulated vapour (and the granule) will increase. In the second, the condensed vapour thickens the surface film and the granule’s weight. The intensity of both processes depends, naturally, on the temperature, pressure and moisture of environment. We can state only that granules are permanently changing their state and due to this – their place in the cloud, seeking for their equilibrium in the air. When heavier, it has to descend; when heavier than the air buoyancy, it precipitates as small drops of rain. When lighter, due to evaporating shell, it goes higher and higher and can degranulate at all, and when reaching the dew-point – to granulate again.

It is correct when the cloud is called a giant ‘vacuum cleaner’. Like a sponge, it absorbs atmospheric admixtures: dust, smoke, salts, acids, ions, electrons etc., especially at the bottom of cloud. Perhaps so from the bottom it always looks dirty-grey, yellow, orange and even green.

Admixtures are the nuclei of moisture condensation. Possibly, for free vapour this is so, only the drops created on them will immediately precipitate.


So the admixtures that colour the cloud are probably ‘glued’ to the granules. Of course, they make granules heavier, but not too much to stop them flying.

Being highly dispersed, most admixtures are electrically charged. The ratio of positively and negatively charged admixtures ‘glued’ to the granule determines its total charge. It can achieve about 100 units of charge; thus, the number of particles sticking to the granule can be much more. Possibly, the granule takes so much admixtures when little granules merge into those larger, remaining the ability to fly.

2. Why clouds are different?

Usually different kinds of clouds are related to the difference of atmospheric pressure, air temperature and humidity. But they can rather have an effect on the cloud mass formation than on the versatility of cloud shape. Unfortunately, no one pays attention that the clouds originate in the magnetic field of Earth that certainly affects permanently moving charged granules. Consider the interaction of terrestrial magnetic field with the moving charge of the cloud, first on the example, how heap clouds form, then we will extend our conclusions onto other types.


2.1. Cumuli (heap clouds) formation

Cumuli differ from other kinds of clouds by their height, up to ten kilometres and more. Such large height is still explained by upgoing airstream. But is it able to separate charges spatially? No, of course, it is able only to mix the charges. What can separate them and cause the lightning? Just the magnetic field of which we already said. Observations corroborate it. Heap clouds always go west-to-east, east-to-west or like these directions, i.e. crossing the terrestrial magnetic field in their motion.

Someone can object: both the inductance of terrestrial magnetic field (0,6multiplydot.gif (823 bytes)10 -4 Tesla) and speed of a cloud are too little comparing with related parameters, e.g., in an electric generator. Yes indeed, but the location of cloud charges differs from their location in metal. In metal, the charge separation is possible only on the account of magnetic field shifting electrons, since ions are fixed in the lattice nodes. But having large natural energy, electrons are in permanent chaotic motion because of collisions. To direct this motion of electrons, it needs a large speed of conductor in a strong magnetic field.

Another situation we have in a cloud mass. Both kinds of charge can move in a cloud, but they are ‘glued’ to the granules and loss the ability to move chaotically.


A least external force, terrestrial magnetic field in that number, provides them a directed motion.

fig1aeng.GIF (31712 bytes)   fig1beng.GIF (31664 bytes)

a                                                                                   b

Fig. 1. Possible cases of charge separation in a cloud; B is the direction of Earth’s magnetic field

In Fig. 1, a and b, we can see two possible cases of charge separation in a cloud in its west-east and vice versa motion. Crosses show real force lines of terrestrial magnetic field strength H – this is south-north.

The Lorenz force affecting an unit charge moving with the speed 10 m/s normally to terrestrial magnetic field is only 10 -22 N. It is little as compared with other forces permanently affecting the granule – its weight P, buoyancy Fb , terrestrial electric field force Fee . The directions of these forces in absence of the Lorentz force is shown in Fig. 2 a.

fig2a.GIF (3515 bytes)

a – in absence of wind

fig2beng.GIF (4670 bytes)

b – when east wind

fig2ceng.GIF (4674 bytes)

c – when west wind

Fig. 2. Forces affecting the oppositely charged granules in the cloud; B is the direction of Earth’s magnetic field

The formulas in this figure determine the granules equilibrium; it follows from them that under identical conditions a negatively charged granule will be located well higher than a positively charged granule. Perhaps because of it the stormy cloud from the bottom always contains positively charged regions.

We have to compare the Lorentz force not with these forces but with their resultant in a new, shifted from equilibrium, location of Fr . Of the above three forces, the buoyancy Fb   is most changeable with height, and mainly its variation determines the value of resultant Fr  with which we have to compare the Lorentz force.

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