V.2 No 1

1 (appendix)

Respond to Dr Scanlan on ladder filters

Respond to the review by Dr J.O. Scanlan, Chief Editor of International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, of 14.07.04

Dear Dr Scanlan,

The Reviewer showed his solution in the following form:


From this, for forced oscillations




We considered in our paper the  gammabigcut.gif (836 bytes)-type ladder filter (see Fig. 1).


Fig1.gif (7703 bytes)


Fig. 1. The ladder filter considered in the paper under review


A chain of this filter has the shape shown in Fig. 2:


fig2.gif (1573 bytes)


Fig. 2. A chain of gammabigcut.gif (836 bytes)-type ladder filter


Its matrix is [1, p. 564]




This infers


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