2 (appendix)

S.B. Karavashkin

To compare this correctly with our result, we have in (9) to pass from hyperbolic sine to that trigonometric. This is simple to do, using the standard transformation:

from this

Given (6) and (10), (2)- (5) will take the following form:


First of all, we see from (12)- (15) that in these formulas y is equivalent in its meaning to taucut.gif (827 bytes)el of our paper. But in the Reviewer's formulas


:while in our paper (formula (11) of our work)


When comparing, we see (16) and (17) basically different. And given (12)- (15) are basic for all following transformations and  taucut.gif (827 bytes)el cannot be changed in linear systems, we basically cannot yield a coincidence of solutions with the Reviewer's approach, whatever super-matrix methods he would use. The correct expression is ours, as it has been checked experimentally and showed a full correspondence. While two different solutions for one system of differential equations are impossible, as we all now.

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