V.4 No 1


On gradient of potential function


We have studied the models of stationary pulsing and moving potential sources and showed that the basic equation of the field theory which establishes the relation between the field strength of one hand and scalar and vector potentials of the other are the corollary of transformation of gradient of scalar potential in dynamic fields. On one hand, this makes the expression for the field strength independent of inaccurate particular derivations that are in operation of today field theory. On the other hand, this makes incorrect the conventional calibration which artificially equalises the scalar potential to zero in order to omit it in the equations of dynamic EM filed.


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2. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. Theorem of curl of a potential vector in dynamical fields. SELF Transactions, 2 (2002), 2, 1- 9

3. Karavashkin, S.B. New Year question from Leo. Appendix to the paper [1]. SELF Transactions, archive

4. Korn, G. and Korn, T. Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers. Mgraw Hill , New York- Toronto- London, 1961

5. Levitch, V.G. Course of theoretical physics, vol. 1. Fizmathgiz, Moscow, 1962 (Russian)

6. Ignazius, G.I. Field theory. Znanie, Moscow, 1971 (Russian)

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