S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

Actually, if we disregard the delay of interaction, proton and electron in case of conservative system would orbit around some centre of masses, as it is shown in Fig. 9.


fig9.gif (4967 bytes)

Fig. 9. Motion of proton and electron when calculated in disregard of the delay of interaction


With it the modelling system of equations for proton would be the following:

Image2255.gif (2154 bytes)


(q1, mp, rp and r1 are measured in CGS electrostatic system). Without having solved this system, we cannot estimate the parameters of motion of system elements, because, "as it concerns the motion of each charge, without having solved the system (24) we cannot find the law of such motion" [9, p. 90].

If the system was conservative and proton and electron move along stationary circular orbits, we can assume

Image2258.gif (1171 bytes)


Given this, we can rewrite (24) in the complex form

Image2259.gif (1236 bytes)


where tetacut.gif (842 bytes)p and tetacut.gif (842 bytes)e are the angles corresponding to the momentary location of proton and electron in their orbits, and rpe is the momentary distance between the proton and electron.


Image2263.gif (943 bytes)


we can approximately take

Image2264.gif (935 bytes)


With it (26) is easily twice integrable over the time, and we yield

Image2265.gif (1072 bytes)



Image2266.gif (1065 bytes)


Similarly, the equation for electron in the complex form would be as follows:

Image2267.gif (1219 bytes)


With the above approximations its solution would be such:

Image2268.gif (1039 bytes)


Joining (29) and (32), we yield

Image2269.gif (1028 bytes)


i.e., quite expectable result, which says that the relation of radii of orbits of proton and orbital electron is inversely as the ratio of their masses.

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