S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

Of course, in the beginning of past century the scientists had not available so high-quality images made from the space stations in the widest spectra, neither so sensitive instruments, nor such amount of information which is now in their disposal. So nothing surprising that for that level of knowledge when the scientists expected to find a civilisation on the Mars and cold nucleus of Jupiter consisting of metal hydrogen at zero temperature, the model of liquid sphere of large diameter could, as they thought, model the processes in galactic matter. But at present level of our knowledge we understand, such model is not able to describe the stellar or galactic processes even approximately. So the initial equations on which Schwarzschild has based his conclusions are basically unable to describe the processes on which the supporters of Relativity try to build their conceptions. The more when they do not try to improve the models of their modelling equations but remain squeezing some new phenomenology to the limits of old non-viable modelling equations, and often simply use the abstract mathematics, reducing the statement of problem to some "sterilised" Riemann's geometry.

We would mention that the supporters of Relativity and Quantum theory actively practised the method of mathematical "sterilisation" already at the beginning of past century. Just the mentioned Schwarzschild's metric has been introduced in quite strange way, on the basis of the following reasoning: "These preliminary arguments have not to have to be rigorous, as the final check of the formula yielded by a guess will serve the fact that they satisfy the established equations" [13, p. 149]. Not to the experimental data, not to the phenomenology of process, but to the equations which have been introduced a priori! Regrettably, Schwarzschild's followers have omitted even these remainders of phenomenology of the process which were seen in the works of fathers of relativistic conception, and factually they have retired in limits of theoretical constructions which were written down in the beginning of past century, irrespectively of, how well do these constructions fit the phenomenology of processes in nature.

Just as the consequence of this all, there have arisen the black hole theories that admit the unlimited compression of star substance without taking into account the physical processes which prevented this compression. In particular, we can trace the phenomenological limitedness in description of this process by Chandrasekhar [15]: "… Note that for the observer whose world line lays in the quadrant I in the plane (u, v) , the transfer from an arbitrary point of quadrant I to the horizon along any time-like and isotropic trajectory takes an infinite time … Furthermore, as no time-like or isotropic trajectory cannot leave the quadrant II to the quadrant I, the events within the space inner relatively the surface r = 2M are inaccessible for observation in the quadrant I: signals from the region within the horizon r = 2M do not pass to the region out of the horizon. Just such meaning has the concept 'horizon of events', and just in this meaning the Swarzchild's metric describes the spacetime of black hole" [15, p. 104]. " Swarzchild's spacetime has one more important property … If in the motion along the time-like trajectory towards the future (and with it towards decreasing r) we cross the horizon on the surface r = 2M   and appear in the quadrant II, we will necessarily cross the focus with r = 0, where the element of natural volume vanishes. In other words, everything which crosses the horizon would be crushed, compressed into 'nothing' at r = 0. This is the cause, why the singularity appears on the line r = 0 in the Swarzchild's spacetime, whose existence is additionally corroborated by the fact that all non-zero components of Riemann's tensor in the locally inertial reference frame diverge at r = 0 and are regular at all other points" [15, p. 103].

As we see, to realise the solution in the Swarzchild's meaning (in any its further interpretation), we should suppose the free fall of mass onto the centre of body and along the isotropic trajectory, which, as we marked above, is unrealisable by the very physics of process. So neither physical nor mathematical interpretation of black holes is possible by the very its essence.

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