V.4 No 1


Study of dynamic scalar potential

For the described experimental methods we have to use not the scheme shown in Fig. 1 but that shown in Fig. 13.


fig13.gif (4929 bytes)


Fig. 13. Calculation scheme to determine the field strength of dipole corresponding to the conventional methods of experimental studies


According to this scheme, to determine the field strength at the point P0, we have to measure the potentials at the points A and B and to divide the difference of these potentials into the length of measuring dipole equal to the studied dipole, i.e.

Image2166.gif (1122 bytes)


where vectorn.gif (845 bytes)AB is the direction of the axis of measuring dipole.

Furthermore, varying the azimuth tetacut.gif (842 bytes)0 either radius-vector r0, we can sequentially determine the field in the vicinity of dipole, using the methods which we used in the previous item.

In Fig. 14 we show the vector diagram of the field strength of dipole plotted after the above method on the basis of the same parameters of half-wave dipole as the diagram in Fig. 5.


agfig14.gif (150656 bytes)


Fig. 14. Dynamic vector diagram of strength of the near field of a half-wave dipole


It is simple to see that the change in the measurement method has a considerable effect on the diagram which differ both from the diagram in Fig. 5 and from that of gradient of potential in Fig. 7. Now the maximum of radiation is located not on the dipole axis but on the normal to the line of dipole charges, which is in full accordance with the measured data. To compare, we show in Fig. 15 the diagram of dipole radiation in the conventional representation by R.W. Pohl.


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Fig. 15. Time and spatial variation of electric field of dipole S [13, p. 219, Fig. 310]

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