V.4 No 1


Study of dynamic scalar potential

The reason to introduce the field closure has two grounds. First of all, when the transverse field and its strength are considered, it is disregarded that this field is the superposition of at least two fields, and in each the field strength is directed along the radius from the charge either to it. So, if we close the strengths of superposition of potential fields, we would have first to introduce the closure to the fields that are added. And how in case of a single pulsing charge could we close its dynamic electric field? Direction of this field is constant and only inverts in time at each point of space. This us undoubtedly impossible. And if so, two non-closed electric fields, which in spatial supposition form the resulting vector of transverse field, cannot close to themselves, as the superposition does not produce a new field. Otherwise the superposition would violate all principal laws of field, in that number the law of independent propagation of the light beams after they cross.

The second root of the problem is that in studying dynamic fields, the scientists still tried to attribute to these fields the known properties of static fields, doing not taking into account the occurring transformation. Again, if we imagine the pulsing single source shown in [1], we will not be surprised that the field direction at any point of space will not permanently coincide with the instantaneous sign of the source charge. We will think natural that as the result of wave process, the field strength propagates from the source with spatial attenuation, as if retaining the value of amplitude and sign of the source charge at the instance of radiation. Why have we to close intentionally the electric field for superposition of two fields, but not to suppose the same attenuating memory which each pulsing charge demonstrates separately? Perhaps we may not suppose something other, if we obeyed the principles of field superposition.

Thus, our diagrams show the closure of electric field really absent. Some inaccuracy in the representation was caused mainly by considerable transformation of real pattern of processes introduced by the existing experimental methods. In reality, dynamic fields show the main property of wave process to retain the parameters of the source, which it had at the instance of wave excitation, and to expand this memory in space with the velocity of wave process propagation. Namely this causes the illusion of visual "loss" of the source of potential field in the wave process.

Let us continue our consideration of dynamic diagram in Fig. 14, paying our attention to one more important feature which is well seen in this diagram, but is absent in the dynamic diagram of Fig. 17. If we peer at the periphery of the field shown in Fig. 14, we will see that in the region of line of dipole charges, there occurs the periodical inversion of the field strength absent in Fig. 17. The cause is also in the method of field strength measurement, according to which the measuring dipole moves by the azimuth around the field source, retaining the same distance from the centre of radiating dipole. For the far field of radiation this does not make a difficulty, because the size of dipole is well less than the distance from the source to the receiver.

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