S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

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Fig. 6. "This image of the very internal area of the Milky Way (a) is several light years across. It was obtained in the middle of 2002 by NACO instrument at the 8.2-m VLT YEPUN telescope. The compact objects are stars, the colours indicate their temperature (blue = "hot", red = "cool"). There is also a diffuse infrared radiation from the interstellar dust. Two yellow arrows mark the location of black hole SgrA * in the very centre of Milky Way galaxy. The scale is shown. one light year is equal to the angle of 8 arcsec in the sky. Credit: ESO "

" "SgrA*" and S2 are identified in the left part of image (b). In the right part, the orbit of S2 is shown during the observation between 1992 and 2002, relatively the object SgrA* (denoted by a circle). The location of S2 at different epochs are marked with crests and data (expressed in the parts of year) shown at each point. The size of crossings indicates the error of measurement. The elliptic curve is the most probable orbit of S2 around SgrA*. Credit: ESO " [29]


One of such sensational 'discoveries' of black hole in the centre of our Galaxy we have analysed in [5]. There, studying the structure of spiral arms of celestial bodies, we drew attention to a simple fact: one of most important properties of black holes is, not only their own radiation but that of the source located behind the black hole relatively the observer cannot achieve him. From this, if the authors of the NACO team observed the trajectories of stellar objects nearest to the supposed black hole (see Fig. 6) and during the whole orbital cycle of observation no one of these objects became invisible behind the black hole, this means, the initial supposition of its presence in the centre of Galaxy is groundless. "The only what remains from this star for the outer world is its gravity field determined by its mass. If, for example, in a binary system one component collapses, this will not affect a least the motion of another component" [27, p. 369]. We yet did not hear any answer from the authors of this sensation.


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Fig. 7. The galaxy Centaurus A is thought to have a black hole, while we see a plentiful polar emanation of the substance from its nucleus to the periphery [30]


The same, in [31] we have analysed another object - the galaxy Centaurus A (see Fig. 7), in which other authors saw the premise of black hole, while we see a plentiful polar emanation of the substance from its nucleus to the periphery, which just evidences not of black hole but of impossibility of unlimited compression of substance without violating the thermodynamical balance of celestial body, be it a star either a galaxy. Of course, as usual, no one relativist dared to answer to this our analysis.

None the less, again and again new sensations of such kind are published. For example, recently there appeared a new one that referred to NASA web site, about a black hole produced in a collision of two neutron stars, despite we in our works, in particular in [6], have rigorously proven the impossibility of collision for hot celestial bodies, due to charge separation in them and formation of negatively charged shells (mutually repelling like charged shells in all hot celestial bodies), which prevent any possibility of collision. While so-called neutron stars are observed as extremely hot objects, with the surface temperature about a million of degrees. And despite the instruments of Voyager 1 have proven that the Sun system has a strong negatively charged shell at its edge, the adherents of black holes resulting from neutron stars collision still publish new and new 'sensations'.

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