S.B. Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina

. fig12.gif (7974 bytes)

Fig. 12. The amplitude-frequency characteristic for the longitudinal (a) and transverse (b) components of vibrations in an elastic line having the bend angle alphacut.gif (839 bytes) = 60o , with respect to the ratio dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) of the transverse and longitudinal stiffness coefficients. The model parameters: m = 0,01 kg , F0 = 1 N , k = 15, slt = 100 N/m , dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) = 1,0 - 37,0 , psi.gif (848 bytes) = 60o


In Fig. 12 we see the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the longitudinal and transverse components of the wave in an elastic line before the bend, with respect to dzetacut.gif (845 bytes). At  dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) = 1 (the nearest curve in the plot) the amplitude-frequency characteristic has a hyperbolic form usual for ideal lines. With growing dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) the resonance peaks arise in the plots; their amplitude grows with growing dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) which can cause the local destructions on the quite stable general background. Some peaks in the middle band arise only at large values dzetacut.gif (845 bytes); with growing dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) the amplitude of some peaks first grows, then smoothes. The peaks of transverse component become shifted with growing dzetacut.gif (845 bytes). This is caused by growing  omegacut.gif (838 bytes)tr in accordance with (32). It is typical that despite the ideal pattern of elastic constraints, the amplitudes of resonance peaks are finite. The peak locations for the longitudinal and transverse components do not coincide too. In this connection, in such lines dependently on frequency either longitudinal or transverse vibrations can prevail. Thus, in the propagation of a wave having complex and especially continuous spectrum typical for solitary seismic waves, the essential transformation of the wave shape takes place. A number of frequencies are quenched in the wave travelling, and at the number of frequencies corresponding to the resonance peaks the vibration amplitude abruptly increases; this process is not synchronous for the longitudinal and transverse components. The smearing of the wave packet caused by dependence of the phase delay (of the propagation velocity in that number) on frequency adds to this. And taking into account that in the before-bend region a complex superposition of standing and progressive waves takes place, the velocity dispersion nonlinearly depends on the external excitation frequency.

fig13.gif (8207 bytes)

a                                                                                 b

Fig. 13. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of the longitudinal (a) and transverse (b) components of vibrations in a line having different longitudinal and transverse stiffness coefficients with respect to the bend angle alphacut.gif (839 bytes) . The model parameters: m = 0,01 kg , F0 = 1 N , k = 15, slt = 100 N/m , dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) = 10  , psi.gif (848 bytes) = 45o


For the amplitude-frequency characteristic with respect to the bend angle of an elastic line, we see the similar pattern whose plots for the longitudinal and transverse components in the before-bend region are shown in Fig. 13. With alphacut.gif (839 bytes) = 0  (the red curve in the middle part of the diagram) the amplitude-frequency characteristic has a standard for an ideal line hyperbolic form even with dzetacut.gif (845 bytes) > 1. With growing alphacut.gif (839 bytes) on the amplitude-frequency characteristic, there arise the resonance peaks whose amplitude increases with the growing alphacut.gif (839 bytes), and their pattern depends not only on the value but also on the sign of  alphacut.gif (839 bytes). As applied to the seismic processes, it means that the abrupter transition from the flat country to the mountains is, and the abrupter the curvature of a mountain arc is (the Pamir knot is a typical example), the more destructive the earthquake consequences are. The same as in Fig. 12, the velocity of amplitude growing is different for different peaks. Some peaks reveal only at large values alphacut.gif (839 bytes), with growing  alphacut.gif (839 bytes)  the low-frequency peak in Fig. 13 b coalesces with the next resonance peak, and the peaks location on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the longitudinal and transverse components does not coincide.

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