V.3 No 1


Chapter 2. Hypothesis of origin of planetary system (part 1)

2.4. Magnetic field of a star

If about electric field of stars the literature says almost nothing, and the more does not estimate its contribution to formation and structure of stars, magnetometry is now a powerful instrument in stars study, and a great amount of literature is devoted to this subject. However we will not try to analyse all conventional judgements and hypotheses, the more that no one still did not take into account, how the electric spherical dipole effects on origin of magnetic field of star. We will try to analyse more or less sequentially, how the magnetic field is produced, the features of this process and its influence on the structure of star, as it is a basically important issue for understanding the conditions at which the planet systems form.

In the subsection 2.3 we showed that at the stage of protostar heating and even at the initial stage of star, from the core of protostar to its periphery there flows a powerful radial electron current; to a definite extent it is compensated by the counter current arising due to negative ions sedimenting to the layer of thermal convection. Both currents in sum create radial loops oriented along the star radius, as we can see it in Fig. 2.13, so even a least galaxy or intergalaxy field will orient these loops of current as to the external field and order them into an integral system of circulation currents.

We should mark, to order the circulation currents, the external field is basically not necessary, because at stochastic processes of electron emission all circulation currents will be not equal. This means, as a result of long-term mutual affection of local magnetic fields of these circulations, they will also form some common circulation magnetic field. Simply the external field facilitates this process. We would also mark, this process is typical not only for single stars but also for clusters and galaxies formation in whose central part there occurs the densification and accompanying it heating and electron thermoemission. So a single hot celestial body can have a deviation of its magnetic field from that of galaxy.

With such ordering, their mechanical rotation moment is transferred to the protostar envelope and makes it rotating. As the ordering occurs in the region where the protostar still has its structure not formed, the resulting moment will naturally transmit to the protostar core and rotate it with the envelope. The resulting structure is shown in Fig. 2.16.


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Fig. 2.16. General structure of protostar and producing the rotation moment under affection of external field.


As we can see from construction, due to the orientation of electron circulation (green arrows) in the external magnetic field (blue arrows), the gas cocoon (lilac arrows) and core (brown arrow) begin rotating in direction with circulation of electron currents. With it, the internal part of envelop becomes affected by the spherical centrifugal force (red arrows) tending to strip off the envelope from the convective layer by way of essentially decelerated sedimentation of negative ions from the envelop to the convective layer of the core. Due to it, the electrons emitted from the core and created ions with the atoms of envelop remain mainly in the rotating envelop, and the gas located between the convection layer and envelope partly sediments to the convection layer and partly reduces to the envelop. Just this disables the electron cocoon to merge with the core and makes the electric dipole so stable. And the more intensively the temperature of core grows the more intensive and long-lasting is the convection current of electrons, the more faster will the star rotate - and this connection is tracked in all observations. "In the view of generation and amplification of magnetic field of stars, and therefore for its revelations, such parameters as the presence of convective layer and rotation speed are important … These parameters very much relate to each other" [4, p. 101- 102].

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