V.3 No 1


Chapter 2. Hypothesis of origin of planetary system (part 1)


  1. Shklovsky, I.S. Stars: their origin, life and death. Nauka, Moscow, 1984 (Russian).

  2. Karavashkina, O.N. and Karavashkin, S.B. Some aspects of the earth evolution. Chapter 1. Hypotheses of the earth origin. SELF Transactions, 3 (2003), 1, 18- 31

  3. Ambartsumian, V.A. On the galaxy evolution. In: Science and mankind 1965. Znanie, Moscow, 1965, p. 347- 357(Russian).

  4. Bochkaryov, N.G. Magnetic fields in cosmos. Nauka, Moscow, 1985 (Russian).

  5. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A. Astronomy. Prosveccenie, Moscow, 1978 (Russian).

  6. Wayne Holland, Jane Greaves, Ian Robson and William Duncan. The Scientific Case for a sensitive, wide-field camera for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/research

  7. Dobretsov, L.N. Thermoelectronic emission. In: Physical encyclopaedia, vol. 5, p. 173- 175. Sovetskaya encyclopedia, 1966 (Russian).

  8. Pickering, A.C. Astrophys. Journ., 4, 1896, p. 369; 5, 1897

  9. Fowler, A. Month. Roy. Astron. Soc., 1912, Dec., 73

  10. Bohr, N. On the constitution of atoms and molecules. Phil. Mag., 1913, 26, p. 1- 25 (part I), p. 476- 502 (part II), p. 857- 875 (part III). Cited after Russian edition: Bohr, N. Selected scientific works in two volumes, vol. 1. Nauka, Moscow, 1970.

  11. Gorbatsky, V.G. Cosmic bursts. Nauka, Moscow, 1979 (Russian).

  12. Bond, H.E. et al. 2003 Nature 422 405.

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