V.5 No 2


On reality of black holes


1. Eddington, A.S. The mathematical theory of relativity. Cambridge at the University Press, 1924 (cited after Russian edition)

2. Feynman, R. The character of physical law. Cox and Wyman Ltd, London, 1965 (cited after Russian edition)

3. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. Notes on physical absolute. SELF Transactions, 3 (2003), 1- 8

4. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. On transverse Doppler effect in classical formalism. SELF Transactions, 5 (2005), 46- 56

5. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. On physical nature of postulate of existence of stable stationary states of oscillators. SELF Transactions, 4 (2004), 39- 73

6. Karavashkina, O.N. and Karavashkin, S.B. Some aspects of the Earth evolution. Chapter 2. Hypothesis of origin of planetary system (part I). SELF Transactions, 3 (2003), 55- 71

7. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. On the nature of red shift of Metagalaxy. SELF Transactions, 3 (2003), 32- 52

8. Einstein, A. Relativity and gravity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 217. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

9. Einstein, A. The principle of relativity and its corollaries in modern physics. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 138. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

10. Einstein, A. The ether and the theory of relativity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 682. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

11. Karavashkin, S.B. and Karavashkina, O.N. On longitudinal excitation of elastic medium having a moving boundary. SELF Transactions, 5 (2005), 17- 22, http://selftrans.narod.ru/v5_1/contents5.html#moving

12. Terentiev, M.V. Again on the special theory of relativity in the historical context. In: Einsteinian collection, 1982- 1983, p. 323. Nauka, Moscow, 1986 (Russian)

13. General discussion on theory of relativity at the 86th meeting of German natural scientists in Nauheim, September 1920. - In: Einsteinian collection, 1971, p. 374. Nauka, Moscow, 1972 (Russian)

14. Heisenberg, V. Notice to Einsteinian sketch of the unified field theory. - In: Einstein and evolution of physical and mathematical thought. Moscow, 1962, p. 65. Re-cited after: Kuznetsov, B.G. On the style of physical thought in 20th century. - In: Einsteinian collection, 1967, p. 121. Nauka, Moscow, 1967 (Russian)

15. Einstein, A. On the principle of relativity and its corollaries. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 65. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

16. Einstein, A. On the affection of gravity force on the light propagation. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 165. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

17. Ives, H.E. Apparent lengths and times in systems experiencing the Fitzgerald- Larmor- Lorentz contraction. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 27, 310 (1937). - Re-cited after Russian edition of: Marder, L. Time and the space-traveller. George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1971

18. Dyson, F.W., Eddington, A.S., Davidson, C. The determination of light beam deviation in the gravity field of Sun, after the data of observation during the full Sun eclipse on May, 29, 1919. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., ser. A, 220, 291 (1920). Cited after Russian edition: Dyson, F.W., Eddington, A.S., Davidson, C. The determination of light beam deviation in the gravity field of Sun, after the data of observation during the full Sun eclipse on May, 29, 1919. - In: Albert Einstein and the theory of gravitation. Collection of papers, p. 564. Mir, Moscow, 1979

19. Pauli, W. Theory of relativity. OGIZ- Gostechizdat, Moscow- Leningrad, 1942 (Russian)

20. Einstein, A. On the electrodynamics of moving bodies. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 7. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

21. Schwarzschild, K. On the gravity field of point mass in Einsteinian theory. Sitzungsber. d. Berl. Akad., 1916, s. 189. Cited after Russian edition: Schwarzschild, K. On the gravity field of point mass in Einsteinian theory. - In: Albert Einstein and the theory of gravitation. Collection of papers, p. 199. Mir, Moscow, 1979 (Russian)

22. Einstein, A. The explanation of motion of Mercury perihelion in the general theory of relativity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 439. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

23. Landau, L.D. and Lifshiz, E.M. Field theory. Nauka, Moscow, 1973 (Russian)

24. Chandrasekhar, S. The mathematical theory of black holes, vol. 1. Clarendon Press, Oxford, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983 (Cited after Russian edition)

25. Zyklis, D.S. High pressures. Physical encyclopaedia, vol. 1. Sovetskaya encyclopedia, Moscow, 1960

26. Zubov, V.G. and Shalnov, V.P. Problems on physics. Physmathgiz, Moscow, 1963 (Russian)

27. Shklovsky, I.S. Stars, their birth, life and death. Nauka, Moscow, 1984 (Russian)

28. Oppenheimer, J.R. and Snyder, H. On unlimited gravity compression. Phys. Rev., 56, 455 (1939). Cited after Russian edition: Oppenheimer, J.R. and Snyder, H. On unlimited gravity compression. - In: Albert Einstein and the theory of gravitation. Collection of papers, p. 353. Mir, Moscow, 1979 (Russian)

29. Black hole - the centre of Milky Way. European southern observatory news release posted: October 21, 2002. Cited after Russian-language re-publication Universe - news, 2002, 5, http://www.universe.boom.ru/file/new/new5_02.html

30. X-rays tell of a giant burst. Press-release from the centre of X-ray studies CHANDRA. Cited after Russian-language re-publication News of Astronomy, August 8, 2002, http://www.universe.boom.ru/file/new/new1_02.html

31. Karavashkina, O.N. and Karavashkin, S.B. Some aspects of the Earth evolution. Chapter 2. Hypothesis of origin of planetary system (part II). SELF Transactions, 5 (2005), 1- 16, http://selftrans.narod.ru/v5_1/chapter2b/c2b01/c2b01.html

32. Norton, J. Einstein's struggle for general covariance. - In: Einsteinian collection, 1982- 1983, p. 57. Nauka, Moscow, 1986 (Russian)

33. Einstein, A. The relativistic theory of non-symmetrical field. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 2, p. 849. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

34. Einstein, A. The project of generalised theory of relativity and gravity theory. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 227. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

35. Einstein, A. To the problem of relativity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 385. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

36. Einstein, A. Respond to the paper by Reichenbucher. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 690. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

37. Einstein, A. On the modern state of gravity problem. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 273. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

38. Einstein, A. What is the theory of relativity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 677 Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

39. Trautman, A. Conservation laws in general relativity. - In: Gravitation, Louis Witten (Ed.), 1963, 169- 198. Cited after Russian re-edition: Trautman, A. Conservation laws in general relativity. - In: Einsteinian collection, 1967, p. 308. Nauka, Moscow, 1967

40. Einstein, A. The issues of cosmology and general theory of relativity. - In: Collection of scientific works, vol. 1, p. 601. Nauka, Moscow, 1965 (Russian)

41. Penrose, R. Structure of space-time. Battelle rencontres. 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics, chapter VII. W.A. Benjamin, inc. New-York- Amsterdam, 1968. Cited after: Penrose, R. Structure of space-time. Mir, Moscow, 1972

Contents: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 /

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