V.6 No 1


On excited state of orbital electron


We have studied the linear model of interaction of orbital electron with the external electric dynamic field and showed, this process has a resonance pattern with which the Kepler laws for non-excited stationary orbits become invalid. This is caused by the natural frequency of orbital electron matching with the external field frequency.

Because of excitation, the orbit remains circular only when equal frequencies. But the size of excited orbit is non-quantified, it grows with the growing external field amplitude and retains the periods of electron’s non-excited motion matched with the period of external field.

When unequal frequencies, the resonance also takes place, but the intensity of resonance lines abruptly falls with growing ratio between the electron’s natural frequency and the frequency of external field. With it, the pattern of electron’s excited trajectory also basically changes. When this second exceeded the first, at small amplitude of external field the trajectory deviates from that of non-excited electron. With growing amplitude, there arise the return loops that do not touch the nucleus. The number of loops is by one less than the ratio of frequencies. When non-integer ratio of frequencies, the number of loops is equal to the integer part of the ratio.

In case of natural frequency exceeding the frequency of external field, the loops do not arise and the number of electron’s turns around the nucleus per one period strongly corresponds to the multiplicity of frequencies. In this case the resonances also exist, with non-integer ratio of frequencies.

The considered model is applicable to study the interaction of astronomic objects with macro-fields. When applying the model, we have to account that, first, we have to describe the interaction of some negatively charged rim and, second, at macro-conditions the positively charged stellar nucleus can serve as the source of field. In this case the region of excitation will be limited by the near region of the shell. Besides, the presence of dynamic field of the star is always caused by non-stationary processes that caused the excitation of stellar nucleus.


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