S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

Should etacut.gif (842 bytes)  be zero, (67) would take the standard form, and its solution would be the delaying function of the kind

where C1   is some constant. The presence of the additional term


makes (67) nonlinear. We can see from (67) that the problem of time dependence of the second derivative of  fibigcut.gif (846 bytes)  with respect to the co-ordinate that appears when we use the assumption of quanta ageing is not lifted by this equation. Therefore, if we take into account the viscosity of space, it cannot explain the quanta ageing in the form necessary to substantiate the metagalactic red shift.

To evaluate the solution of (67) for large distances from the source, let us pay our attention that in (64) at astronomical distances we can neglect the second summand in the right-hand part which determines the spherical type of wave. With it (64) takes the following form:


Eliminate the time variable, representing the solution as follows:

we yield


The following function will be its solution:


where ketabottom.gif (824 bytes) = omegacut.gif (838 bytes)etacut.gif (842 bytes)/sigmacut.gif (843 bytes) . We can easy estimate ketabottom.gif (824 bytes) , substituting the parameters calculated by Atsukovsky. For the visible light having the frequency about  5*10 14  Hz we yield  ketabottom.gif (824 bytes) equalityalike1.gif (830 bytes)10 -26 . Noting the smallness of this parameter, we can simplify (73) to


In the order of exponent, the real part affects the wave amplitude variation with the distance, and the imaginary part determines the phase delay. We see that with the viscosity the wavelength some extends. This can be associated with the increasing velocity of the wave propagation either with the falling frequency. With the value of parameters after Atsukovsky, these variations are negligible and cannot give any appreciable shift of spectral lines. Besides, the yielded frequency shift is independent of the distance from source of light; this fully excludes the use of viscosity effect in order to substantiate the quanta ageing.

At the same time, the question, what causes the light frequency transformation in propagation in the metagalactic space, remains. The circle of phenomena able to be a cause has essentially narrowed, since we already took into account all factors on which the investigators relied up to now in their endeavours to explain the red shift. It follows from this, the real explanation remained out of this circle and without some additional study it is impossible to explain it consistently.


6. The effects not taken into account before but related to the light propagation in the metagalactic space

To give the correct explanation for processes affecting the light frequency in its propagation in the metagalactic space, let us first of all define more precise the properties of the space itself.

According to the available data, the metagalactic space is really quite inhomogeneous rarefied medium consisting of a wide range of gases and dust. "The typical peculiarity of the interstellar medium is a great variety of the physical conditions in it. We observe there, first, the regions H I and regions H II, and their kinetic temperature has two orders of difference. There are quite dense clouds with the concentration of gas particles exceeding few thousands per cubic centimetre, and quite rarefied medium between the clouds, where the concentration does not exceed 0,1 particle per 1 cm3. There are vast regions where the shock waves propagate, they heat the gas up to 106 K" [20, p. 52- 53]. Undoubtedly, all these versatile conditions have to affect and affect the pattern of the light propagation. So we will consider the properties of interstellar gas as the main metagalactic medium.

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