S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

Actually, let the determined value of  betacut.gif (852 bytes)  be equal to betacut.gif (852 bytes)0 , and the current value of  betacut.gif (852 bytes) be



Then, substituting (84) into (82) and betacut.gif (852 bytes)0 into (31), we yield with accuracy to two terms of expansion:


Solving (85) with respect to deltabig.gif (843 bytes)betacut.gif (852 bytes) , we yield


As betacut.gif (852 bytes)0 is a strongly positive coefficient and betacut.gif (852 bytes)1  also cannot be negative, in the right-hand part of (86) we should retain the sign (+). After simple transformation it will take the following form:




we can simplify (87), eliminating the root in the right-hand part. We will yield the following:


We see that the error of deltabig.gif (843 bytes)betacut.gif (852 bytes)  measurement with the sufficient accuracy depends on q0 .

To estimate deltabig.gif (843 bytes)betacut.gif (852 bytes) , use the data presented in Fig. 1 for the maximally remote galaxy. According to that Figure, v = 60900  km/s at r = 1200  Mpc. Hence, H0 = 50,75 km/Mpc*s. Substituting these values into (83) and then into (89), we yield for the maximal value  q0 = 3



This means, the error of measurement of the Hubble constant will be



This is undoubtedly well lower than the existing accuracy of measurement for the Hubble constant.

Thus, we showed that the red shift law by Sleipher- Hubble is conditioned by the spontaneous radio luminescence of the interstellar gas excited by the radiation of optic (and possibly, of higher frequency) range. With it we have no necessity to introduce the additional non-evident suppositions of presence of some virtual centre from which the galaxies scatter, of the photons ageing, of the sub-light velocity of galaxies at the Metagalactic periphery and so on. One of important corollaries of the presented physical interpretation is the proof that the processes in Metagalaxy are isotropic and the conditions of physical processes occurring in time are equal for every galactic structure of the Metagalaxy.

Indeed, a large range of interesting and important aspects of the revealed process, how the high-frequency EM radiation transforms into the heat radio wave radiation, remained out of our attention.

Because of such influence of spontaneous radio luminescence on the energy dissipation in the Metagalaxy, it would be interesting to study the conditions of extinction of such kind of luminescence, influence of gas-dust clouds on it, conditions of polarisation and correspondence of polarisation to the magnetic fields in space, etc. However all these and many other issues are too voluminous and require a separate thorough investigation. This is why we confined ourselves here to the phenomenological substantiation of the phenomenon itself and mathematical substantiation of the correspondence of regularity of the light frequency transformation in space to the Hubble's law of red shift, supposing that the considered issues will find their consistent solution, as the understanding of the internal interconnections of the processes in the university will develop.

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