S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina

3. Visualisation of the field of scalar potential of orbiting proton

The main difficulty in this problem is that in trying to find the direct solution we run into implicit functions.

Suppose the proton revolving with some velocity vp   in the circular orbit with radius rp, as shown in Fig. 1.


fig1.gif (3536 bytes)


Fig. 1. Sketch for calculation of the field of orbiting proton


Its orbital frequency is

Image2227.gif (981 bytes)


Given the space location of proton varies in time, the potential excited by proton at some moment of time t0  reaches the observation point N with some delay deltabig.gif (843 bytes)tN . And deltabig.gif (843 bytes)tN depends both on location of N and on proton location at the moment of field measurement. So in general appearance the dependence of scalar potential on time and location of  N  (with negative trial charge equal to that of proton) can be presented as

Image2229.gif (1090 bytes)



Image2230.gif (965 bytes)


is the moment of potential's excitation by proton, and t is the current time.

We can determine tN (t3) with the help of sketch shown in Fig. 2.


fig2.gif (4370 bytes)


Fig. 2. Sketch to determine the distance between the proton at the moment of field radiation and the point of field observation


It follows from  deltabig.gif (843 bytes)OPN  that

Image2233.gif (1435 bytes)


In its turn, proceeding from the fact that proton orbits evenly,

Image2234.gif (1110 bytes)


and given

Image2235.gif (997 bytes)


we yield

Image2236.gif (1192 bytes)



Image2237.gif (1627 bytes)


As we can make sure, the distance  rN   between the studied point and the field source at the moment of field radiation is described by implicit function; of course, this complicates the task to plot the diagram of dynamic scalar potential, calculating it directly.

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