V.4 No 1


On orbital stability of oscillators


We have studied the dynamic field of proton in the nucleus of hydrogen atom and revealed that its orbiting causes the formation of spiral dynamic field in whose potential well moves an electron. Such structure of the field stabilises the orbit of electron in time by virtue of the arising tangential force, and in case of pulsing excitation provides the electron to turn back to its stable orbit. The frequency of spiral field fully corresponds to that of proton and electron in their stable orbits. With it the spiral field has the inertia proportional to the measure of inertia of proton. If continuous excitation of electron, the field parameters change, but its structure remains unchanged.

We extended the results yielded for spiral fields for the fields of galactic scale. We showed that despite the difference of conditions which caused the field formation, the structure of dynamic spiral field remains for macro-systems. But if in case of atom the proton's orbiting results from its interaction with the orbital electron, in the galactic scale the cause, why nuclei of galaxies and stars orbit, can be in the disbalanced masses of these nuclei and uneven distribution of charge in them. The results of affection of galactic spiral field also some differ. If in atom the spiral field stabilised the electron's orbit, in the objects of universe this field stimulates the consolidation of peripheral substance and formation of stars of second generation in the disk of galaxy. Both in macro- and micro-world this field stabilises the system and provides its stability in time, proportionally to the inertia of nucleus of the system.




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